瓜片机械厂家 湖南灯盏粑粑机器
Fully automatic bean paste machine, moon bar machine, peanutbaking machine production line equipment for processing peanutbutter, bean paste, peanut cake, moon bar, leek bar, peanut bakingproduction line, peanut bar, bean bar, peanut cake, moon bar, leekbar, peanut baking equipment, peanut bar, bean paste, peanut paste,peanut paste, peanut paste, peanut paste, peanut paste, peanutcake, moon bar, leek bar Peanut Baking Machinery, Peanut Bar, BeanBar, Peanut Cake, Moon Bar, Leek Bar, Peanut Baking Machin
自动脱膜,成型效果好,模具可更换。目前公司生产的是第五代豆粑机,存油量少。升温速度快,成品成色好,产品保质期长。节省人工,降低成本,提高产能,是是食品产业设备之一。机器采用不锈钢材质,干净卫生,易清理,温度好控制。分多种加热方式,燃煤柴 油 气都可以定制。
Automatic film removal, good forming effect, mold can bereplaced. At present, the company produces the fifth generation ofsoybean baking machine, which has little oil in stock. The heatingspeed is fast, the finished product has good fineness, and theproduct has a long shelf life. It is one of the equipments in foodindustry to save labor, reduce cost and improve productivity. Themachine is made of stainless steel, clean and sanitary, easy toclean and temperature control. It can be customized by differentheating methods.
Main technical parameters of the Moon Clapper: Model: FTDB-200,output: 80kg/h, power: about 30kw, voltage: 380V, shape size:5200*900*100mm