Theroller is the transport equipment that uses the rotation of thecylindrical roller to transport the rolled piece. It joins each ofthe processes in the rolling process. Mechanization of operation isrealized, labor conditions are greatly improved, productionefficiency is improved, and conditions for realizing automaticoperation are provided.
In orderto deliver the billet smoothly and quickly, the roller table inthis area is sometimes designed to be lifted and lifted. The rollertable can be divided into two types: the drive roller and theseparate drive roller. The driven roller table is driven by amotor to a set of rollers, driven by a motor,辊道生产, a reducer or asprocket,辊道, or through a motor, a reducer, a long shaft and abevel gear transmission mode.
Easy installation of rubberdrum
Package rubber drum installationis especially convenient, do not need to install in the past, thesite can be installed, the cylinder is not required to bedisassembled, so it is very convenient, you only need to pay,harvest, and other use, and other professional people todo.
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