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- 南安市东圳水暖加工厂商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第5年主体名称:南安市东圳水暖加工厂组织机构代码:91350583MA33LMGP6J
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- 关键词
- 不锈钢高速透气阀,NK形式认可高速透气阀,铸钢真空阀
- 所在地
- 上海市普陀区星云经济区
- 手机
- 18016616867
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货油舱压力/真空阀,亦称高速透气阀或p/v阀,是现行油船和 化学品船必备的控制式透气系统。
我公司系列DF-ISO型高速透气阀,是新一代无振荡无撞击型 产品。油船和化学品船使用该产品具有Zui大的安全性,但操作中必须熟悉该使用手册。
该使用手册所用惯例:在该手册中,下列图标用于为用户提供 与该阀门使用有关的信息。
The pressure/vacuum valve for cargo ships is also called as highvelocity relief valve or P/V valve. It is a controlled ventingsystem necessary for oil tanker and chemical tanker.
The series of DF-ISO high velocity relief valve which areproduced by our company is a new generation production that iswithout vibration and anti-collision. It is the safest productionfor oil tanker and chemical tanker once operated by the Manual.
Items in the Manual: the following icons show some informationabout the valve.
A 警告用户若未正确地遵守警告内容,则可能会危害
项厶' 舶安全。
警告 It will threat the ships if the user does not abide by
the warnings.
① 提醒用户若未正确地遵守注意事项的内容,则可能会
注 怒事项 The adverse effects will appear if the user does not abideAttention u .
by the attention!
I. Standard, Purposes and Main Characteristics
DF-ISO型压力/真空阀(亦称高速透气阀)依据下述标准和规范 进行设计、制造和试验。
1、 IMO.MSC/Circ.677《阻止火焰进入油船液货舱的装置设计、 试验及安装的修订标准》;
2、 ISO15364《船舶与海上技术货油舱压力/真空阀》;
3、 IMO.MSC/Circl324;
压力真空阀作为油船和化学品船透气的唯一出口和进口,安装 于每一舱室的顶端,当液货舱进行装货作业时,压力阀自动垂直向上以大于30m/s的速度排出舱内混合气体;卸货作业时,真空阀自 动向舱内补充空气,使液货舱免于超压和失压。按照上述标准制造的压力真空阀,在工作状态下,也能阻止火焰进入液货舱。
本公司货油舱压力/真空阀的试验在经国家主管机关认可的实 验室进行,并依据上述标准通过了下列所有项目的试验,取得了中国船级社和部分国外船级社的认可。
The DF-ISO type pressure/vacuum valve (liigh velocity reliefval- ve)is designed, manufactured and tested by the followingstandards and stipulations:
1. IMO.MSC/Circ. 677 Revised Standards of Designing, Testing andInstalling the Device tliat can Stop the Flame into the LiquidCargo Tank;
2.ISO15364 Sliips and Marine Teclmology-Pressure/Vhcuum Valvefor Cargo Tank;
Reference EN12874-2001 Requirements. Testing Methods and
Usage Scope about the Flame Arrester.
As the sole breathable port of oil tanker and chemical tanker,the pressure vacuum valve is installed on the top of eachcompartment. When the hydraulic compartment is loading cargo, thepressure valve effluent mixed gas at a speed of more than 30 m/svertically upwards. When discharge cargo, the vacuum valve add airto the cabin automatically to prevent the hydraulic tank fromoverpressure and pressure loss. Pressure vacuum valve made inaccordance with the above standards, can prevent the flame into thehydraulic tank even under the working condition.
The cargo-oil-tank-pressure/vacuum-valve test of our company isexamined in the laboratory which is approved by the nationalcompetent authority, and we passed all the tests of following itemsin accordance with the above standard, obtained the approval ofchina classification society(CCS) and some foreign classificationsocieties.
l.Fire Resistant Test; 2. Re-burning Test; 3. Frozen Test; 4.Corrosion Resistant Test; 5. Flowing Test.
系列 DF・ISO 型压力真空阀 DF50、DF65、DF80、DF100、DF125、DF150、DF200、DF250,由于压力阀阀门的特殊设计,只有当系统压 力稳定地达到设定开启压力时,阀门才会完全打开。在正常的装载速率下,阀门开启后,管路和舱内系统压力即下降20吩50%左右后 能稳定工作和保持30m/s的出口流速。工作中,不会造成系统压力突然增加和减少。在允许的Zui小到Zui大流量的装货速率下,高速出 口阀门不会发生撞击和振荡。该系列阀门还可以安装一个磁力控制机构,来处理航行中阀门振颤的问题,可以将航行中蒸气损失降 到Zui低。
系列DF-ISO型压力真空阀在80%设定工作压力下,其泄漏量 基本为零,可以选择用于装载要求零泄漏的货品,是国际上少有的Zui先进的阀门。
系列阀门在-20°C-+60°C的环境下都能正常工作,阀口结冰时, 经破冰后也即能正常工作。
As to the DF-ISO series pressure vacuum valves DF50, DF65,DF80,DF125,DF150,DF200,DF250, the valve will open completely onlywhen the system pressure reached the setting opening pressurebecause of the special designing of the pressure valve. Under thenormal load rate, after the valve open, the pressure of line andthe cabin system will fall by 20% to 50%, then work steadily andmaintain the flow rate of 30m/s. In work, the system pressure won'tincrease or decrease suddenly. The high-speed export valve won' tbe impacted and shocked under the allowed rate of loading. Thisseries of valves also can install a magnetic control mechanism,which can deal with the problem of valve vibration on the voyageand can minimum the steam loss.
The basic leakage of DF - ISO series pressure vacuum valve iszero when the wording pressure is set at 80%, and can be chosen toload the goods which require zero leakage. This series of pressurevacuum valve is one of the most advanced products in the world.
The series of valves can work under -20 °C to +60 °C regularly,when the valves freeze, they can work regularly aftericebreaking.
Turn the handle (11) while do the frozen test of the DF-ISO typepressure/vacuum valve, then
break the ice that is less than 5mm by manual device. The valveperformances normally after
cleaning all the ice.
II. Basic Structure, Dimension Parameter and OperatingPrinciple
系列DF-ISO型压力真空阀采用标准化的设计制造,每个零部 件都标准化,能互换和通用。
Series DF-ISO pressure/vacuum valve adopts standardized design,each fittings and parts are standardized so that they caninterchange and use for all purposes.
2.1 DF.ISO型压力真空阀的基本结构见图一。
2. IFigure 1 is the basic structure of DF-ISO pressure/vacuumvalve; Picture 4 is a high velocity relief valve with gas freeingcover.
2.2 DF.ISO型压力真空阀的主要尺寸参数见表一。
2.2Table 1 is the dimension parameter of DF-ISO pressure/vacuumvalve.
表一 Table 1
12 x 022
8x 018
4x 018
4x <I)14
Drift diameter
Pipe diameter
装配孔 assembly hole
注:法兰执行标准:GB2501-89, DN50-DN150公称工作压力 0.6Mpa,DN200、DN250 公称工作压力L6MPa(等同ISO2084-1974. ISO2441-1975) o
Remarks: flange executive standards: GB2501-89, DN50-DN150,nominal pressure is 0.6Mpa; DN200、DN250, nominal pressure is1.6Mpa(is equal to ISO2084-1974 JSO2441-1975).
2.3 DF.ISO型高速透气阀的主要零部件见表二。
2.3 Table 2 is main parts of the DF-ISO pressure/vacuumvalve.
表二 Table 2
序号 serial No.
数量 quantity
大于10kg的零件 parts over 10kg
P 阀下体 P-valve base
P 阀阀座 P-valve seat
P 阀上体(甲)P-valve body (A)
P 阀上体(乙)P-valve body (B)
无 nothing
部件名称 parts
配重块 matching block
P 阀阀杆 P-valve pole
顶升轴 Jacking shaft
顶升凸轮Lifting cam
通用件 GM parts
定位板 Positioning plate
顶升手柄Lifting handle
衬套 Bushing
选择娜 choose to use
顶升杆 Lifting lever
V 阀阀体 V-valve body
V 阀阀瓣 V-valve disc
V 阀阀座 V-valve seat
防火网小隔环 small flame screen spacer ring
防火网 flame screen (30 目)
one for both the top and the bottom
防火网大隔环 big flame screen spacer ring
防火网压盖 flame screen gland
驱气盖或V阀阀盖 air-removal cover or V-valve cover
choose to use
Remarks: the ship-owner can choose cast steel, cast 304, cast304L and cast 316L. The similar material shall be selected onceused for the chemicals tanker. The inner material must equal tothis or one level above. If is use in the chemical ship, thematerial must equate the hull material.
2.4 Table 3 are the technical parameter of DF-ISOpressure/vac- uum valve.
主要技术参数 Main technical parameters :
表三Table 3
型号 specification
设计开启压力 setting opening pressure (kPa)
Rated working pressure (kPa)
流量(nf/h) flow rate
MESG 值 mm
压力阀 pressure valve 出口流速 exit velocity (m/s)
压力阀 pressure valve
真空阀 vacuum valve
14.0 〜20.0
2.5 DF-ISO-60型压力真空阀结构和上述型号完全相同,其设定开启压力为60.0kPa,主要用于环氧丙烷类货物的装载,确保舱内 货品在80%的设定压力下零泄漏,并在80%以上的压力下自动释放,平衡舱压。该阀为保险阀,不用于装载作业,如配有真空阀,可 以进行卸载。每个液货舱应各装一个DF-ISO型和一个DF-ISO-60型压力真空阀。
2.5 The structure ofDF-ISO-60 type pressure vacuum valve isexactly the same as the above types. Setting the opening pressureat 60pa, this type is mainly used in the loading of epoxy propanegoods, can ensure zero leakage under the setting pressure of 80%,and release the pressure automatically to balance the cabinpressure under the pressure of more than 80%. The valve isinsurance valve, which is not used for loading operation. If isdeployed with vacuum valve, it can be unloaded. Each hydraulic tankshould be installed a DF-ISO type and a DF- ISO-60 type pressurevacuum valve.
The main parameters of DF-ISO-60 is listed in Table 4.
表四Table 4
额定工作压力 Max working pressure (kPa)
压力阀 出口通径 diameter of the exit for pressure valve
连接 管径
Connection pipe diameter (mm)
真空阀 vacuum valvs
DF- ISO -60
DN80 DN100 DN125
船东和设计院所要求压力/真空阀的设计开启压力是不一样的,应由制造商提供的透气系统 压力降计算确定。
选择阀门时以制造商提供的压力、流量曲线图 为准。
The operating pressures for ship-owner and Design Institute aredifferent. Shall be provided by the manufacturer of the ventingsystem pressure drop calculated and determined. Please select thevalve
according to the pressure and graph of flow rate which providedby manufacturer.
注:⑴上述流量为21。。(70筆),压力1013.25hpa,密度为1.29kg/m3 的标准空气;
Tips: (l)The flow above is standard air whose temperature is21°C
(70°F),pressure is 1013.25Pa, and density is 1.29kg/(m3).
(2) The maximum pressure drop shall not exceed the designparameter of cabin pressure valve.
2.6 Figure 2 is the working principle of pressurevalve.
压力真空阀的标准接头与透气管相联,当货油舱装载作业时, 舱内会形成压缩气体,当压缩气体达到压力阀开启设定压力时(一般油船为14.0 kPa,化学品船为18.0〜20.0 kPa),带重块的压力阀阀瓣就会自动上升,并在一瞬间跳起和下落。舱内压缩气体如箭头所 示,从舱内经阀门到出口高速排向高空。阀内压力作用于真空阀瓣上,真空阀更加密封。
The standard joint of pressureA^acuum valve is connected withcargo tank, when the cargo tank is loading, the compressed air willformed, the pressure valve disc with block will automatically liftup, start and dropping in a flash while the compressed air meet tothe operating pressure (oil tanker is 14.0 kPa, chemical tanker is18.0〜20.0 kPa) of pressure valve. The compressed air in the tank isas the arrowhead showed, it will relief to the air from cabin tothe exit through valve. At the same
图二 Figure 2
2.7 Figure 3 is main principle of vacuum valve.
当货油舱卸货作业时,舱内就会形成真空(负压),当负压达到 真空阀设定开启压力时(一般为-3.5 kPa)阀门就会自动打开,此时空气如箭头方向所示,从甲板空间经防火网流入货油舱内。负压 作用于P阀瓣上,压力阀更加密封。
The vacuum (negative pressure) will formed when the tank unloading,and the valve will automatically open while the negative pressurereach to the opening pressure (・3.5kPa), at that time, the air willcome into the cabin from deck space through flame screen, which asthe arrowhead showed. The negative pressure will impact on thep-valve disc so that the sealing of pressure valve will bebetter.
III. Installation and use of pressureA^acuum Vhlve
3.1每只压力真空阀是以完全装配好的整机形式供应,均经试 验校正合格,使压力阀工作压力、真空阀开启压力达到设计指标不需再做任何调整。安装工作只需把每个阀的法兰用螺栓连接到相 应的货油舱透气管匹配的法兰上,即可完成。
3 .lEach valve will be provided as a whole, and each valve isadjusted and tested so that the working pressure of pressure valveand the opening pressure of vacuum valve reach to designedstandard. Workers only need to connect each flange of valve toventilating pipe of cargo tank by bolt before operate.
压力真空阀的通道布置必须符合ISO15364A.3条要求,为了便于操作,应布置适当的通道以便 接近阀门进行验证。例如需要时,可在甲板上设 置一个架子或平台。
Passage for pressure/vacuum valve shall abide by therequirements of ISO15364A.3. Please designaproper passage near thevalve for operating. For example, set
up a shelf or a platform on the deck if it is necessary.
• 压力真空阀的安装,应该使用不锈钢螺钉,是油舱也应该使用。
Use stainless steel bolt to install pressure/vacuum valve, eventhe oil tanker.
3.2通常情况下,为了便于操作,依据SOLAS公约第59条要求 安装位置不得低于货油舱甲板2m。压力真空阀在液货舱顶部的布置均为集中在上述架子或平台上,每舱可分前后舱布置两个平台, 将所有压力真空阀用管路与舱口盖分别连接起来,集中到前后两个平台上,便于装卸货时操作、观察,更便于拆装和维护保养。由于集 中的平台到各舱口盖子的距离不等,就形成了其中肯定有一根Zui长的管子,此管路是决定液货舱Zui大压降的关键因素。必须依 据装载率和货品计算和合理布置,在保证管路内径不小于所选压力真空阀通径的情况下,管路的长度应由制造厂和设计院计算确定。
依据MSC/Circ.585《蒸气排放控制系统标准》的规定,每只液货 舱需设两套透气装置或一套透气装置加一套液货压力传感器。压力传感器的超压报警压力设定值在阀的设定压力值与舱压值之间。
3.2 Under normal circumstances, in order to facilitateoperation, accordance with the requirements of SOLAS conventionarticle 59, the installation position shall not below the cargo oiltank 2m. The arrangement of the pressure vacuum valve at the top ofa cargo tank are concentrated on the above shelf or platfomi, eachtank can decorate two platforms as front and back parts dividedly,and put all the pressure vacuum valve connected with the hatchcover respectively. Concentrating on two platform can facilitatethe operation and observing of loading and unloading cargo, whichis also convenient for dismantling and maintenance. Due to thedifferent length of concentrate platform to each hatch cover, theremust be a longest pipe. This pipe is the key factor of maximumpressure drop. Therefore, must calculate the reasonable layoutaccording to the loading rate and the cargo, under the condition ofpipe diameter should not less than the selected pressure vacuumvalve size, the length of the pipe shall be calculated anddetermined by the manufacturing plant and the design institute.
Based on MSC/Circ. 585 "the vapor emission control systemstandard "regulation, each cargo tank need two sets of breathabledevice or a device and a liquid pressure sensor and a set ofbreathable device.
The overpressure alarm pressure of the pressure sensors is setbetween the setting pressure of the valve and the tank pressurevalue.
3.3 DF-ISO-60型压力真空阀安装如图四。
3.3The installation of the DF-ISO-60 pressure vacuum valve isshown in figure 4.
装货作业时:DF-ISO型压力真空阀的压力阀,处于运作状态。 在装货开始前必须用转动(件11)顶升轴手柄顺时针转到上面位置,顶起阀组再转回原位,阀组能自行落下,检查阀组升降灵活。
卸货作业时:DF-ISO型高速透气阀的真空阀,处于运作状态。 在卸货开始前必须将件(14)顶升杆向上顶起阀门,再放下,可反复多次,检查阀门上升和下降灵活。
压力阀和真空阀在装卸作业时均为自动工作,如在现场,可以 看到阀头和阀杆的上升和下降,可以听到出口气体的流动响声。
3.4 use of pressure/vacuum Valve
Cargos loading: pressure valve of DF-ISO pressure/vacuum valveis under operation. Before loading oil, the handle must be shiftedto upper in clockwise direction through shift fitting 11, lift upthe valve kits and then shift back, the valve kits can fall down soas to check the flexibility of valve kits.
Cargos unloading: vacuum valve of DF-ISO pressure/vacuum val- veis under operation. Before unloading, the climbing pole shall liftup the valve and then drop by fitting 14, do it some times so as tocheck the flexibility of the valve.
Pressure valve and the vacuum valve are working automaticallywhen loading and unloading operation. If in the field, you can seethe rise and fall of the valve head and valve stem, outlet gas flowsound could be heard
IVMaintenance of pressure/vacuum valve
按IMO规定,压力真空阀至少应采用下列的检修间隔期:运作 六个月后,阀组必须进行检查,以保证完全能起作用,必要时也应加以清洗。运作壹年后,阀组必须拆成零件加以清洗。必须按照国际 海事组织大会决议A.746C18)第6.2.3.3节船舶货舱压力真空阀的检测要求进行。
当装卸频繁,液货品种多变,应根据具体情况及时进行检查和 清洗。
DF-ISO压力真空阀的维护保养很方便、快捷,平常维护仅需在 平台上进行,每只阀门拆装仅需几分钟,且不要将整阀卸下。
一般情况下,压力阀的出口清洗只要将阀杆置于开启位下即 可进行,不需拆装,真空阀需清洗的周期较长,只要手动检查能符合3-4条要求,即可免于拆装清理。
当手动检查压力真空阀开启关闭有阻力,且有漏气状况发生时, 压力真空阀应按下列方法进行拆装、清洗。
In accordance with the stipulations of the IMO pressure/vacuumvalves shall comply with at least the following maintenanceintervals: after operation six months, the valve group must bechecked to ensure work regularly; it also should be cleaned ifnecessaiy. After operation one year, must split the group intoparts and clean them. Must operate according to the pressure vacuumvalve testing requirements for cargo hold in imo assemblyresolution A.746(18) Para.
When loading and unloading is frequent, liquid cargo varietydiverse should inspect and clean according to the specificconditions in a timely manner.
The maintenance of DF-ISO pressure /vacuum valve is veryconvenient and quick, common maintenance can operate on theplatform. The dismounting of each valve only takes a few minutes,and does not
need to remove the whole valve.
Under normal circumstances, the clean of the export of thepressure valve only need to put the stem under the open position,do not need to tear open the device. Vacuum valve need a longercleaning cycle, as long as the manual inspection meet therequirement of article 3.4, there is no need of disassemblingcleaning.
When check pressure vacuum valve manually, there is resistancewhen open and close the valve, and there is a condition of leak,the pressure vacuum valve must be disassembled and cleanedaccording to the following method.
4.1.2拆下件(3)的连接螺钉(内六角螺丝),即可向上提起件(3) P阀上体,进行P阀上体孔内清洗。
4.1.3提起件(6)、件⑺上的阀杆,即可进行P阀体的全面清洗。 4丄4检查清洗后,按照程序,将拆下的零件装回原位。按3.4检查,阀杆升降自如即可。
4.1 disassemble the pressure valve for cleaning:
4.1.1assemble the bolt (hex socket cap screw) on the top offitting 5, lift up fitting 5 P-valve disc.
4.1.2 assemble the connection bolt (hex socket cap screw)of fitting (3), lift up fitting (3) P-valve body, clean the hole ofit.
4.1.3 lift up valve pole on the fitting (6) and fitting(7), clean the P- valve body.
4.1.4 assemble the fittings in opposite after checking andcleaning. Check it follow words, which mentioned in the 4.1;
42.1拆下件(22) V阀盖上的吊环螺丝或紧固螺钉,即可向上提 起阀盖。
4.2.2提起件(16),即可将件(16)V阀阀瓣从阀体中取出进行清理,对阀腔内,特别是阀口密封面进行检查和清洗。此时清洗后 也应严格检查件(16)和件(17)结合面是否损坏和有无缺陷。
4.2.3 一般情况下,防火网上如有灰尘,只要从上面清洗即可。如需拆开清洗,只要拆下件(21)连接螺钉,即可将防火网整体取下,进 行清洗。
4.2 disassembling and cleaning procedures of vacuumvalve
4.2.1 disassemble the wing screw or fastened bolt onfitting valve cover, lift up (22)V-valve cover;
4.2.2 lift fitting (16), take the fitting (16) V-valve discout of valve body for cleaning. At the same time, clean and repairthe interior of valve, especially the sealing space of valve. Italso should check whether there is any damages or flaws on theconnection space between fitting (16) and fitting (17).
4.2.3 general speaking, clean the dust on the flame screenfrom exterior. It only needs to disassemble fitting (21) connectionscrew for taking the flame screen out, then clean it;
4.2.4 assemble the fittings in opposite after checking andcleaning. Check it as the words mentioned in the 3.4; check itfirst and then fix fitting (22) valve cover is also ok.
① 清洗时,件(6)、件(7)是一个组合件,不得松开面的
注意事项 定位螺丝,更不能拆开。
Attention Fitting (6) and fitting (7) is a combination parts, dono t loose or disassemble the set screw when cleaning;所有拆卸的零部件都不得在过程中有碰撞现象发 生,否则拆装后,阀体就不能正常工作。
All disassembled fittings shall keep separately, the valve bodycannot operate smoothly if there is any damages;
The disassembled fittings shall put on the soft mat reasonably,and disassembled follow the procedure strictly;
•清洗时应用带清洁剂的纱布进行,应将清洗物尽 量清出阀体,而不致流入舱内。
Use gauze with detergent for cleaning, and clear the dirt awayfrom valve body;
•检查清洗的阀门如不能正常工作,升降不自如, 必须由制造厂进行修理。
Check the valve; it must be sent to the manufacturer forrepairing if it cannot performance smoothly;
•真空阀和压力阀组件,其开启压力出厂时已经严 格调整和检查,用户如需调整开启压力,也必须送 制造厂进行。
The manufacturer adjusted and tested the opening pressure of thevacuum valve and kits of pressure valve strictly, it must be sentto the manufacturer for adjusting the opening pressure if it isnecessary.
V- Usage and Maintains of Gas-Freeing Cover
5. IMain purposes of gas freeing cover
当货油舱的透气系统装设了符合规定的高速透气阀以后,舱内 的驱气,只要达到高速透气阀的设定开启压力,压力阀门就可以自动开启,以30m/s的速度向甲板上空排出。但货油舱的其他作业工况, 比如清仓、除气,也需透气,此时舱内压力又不能自动开启高速透气阀,货油舱的透气就需要配备一个能手动开启的装置,此透气装置 即为驱气盖。驱气盖可以安装在高速透气阀的V阀体上,也可独立安装在高速透气阀的分支管上。
The valve will automatically open and eject to the upper of deckwith the speed of 30m/s while the freeing gas in the tank reach tothe opening pressure of high velocity relief valve. The innerpressure of the tank cannot automatically open the high velocityrelief valve while cleaning, exhausting. It need a manual devicefor its ventilating, such ventilating device is a gas freeingcover. It can be installed in the V-valve body of high velocityrelief valve (see Picture 2), or be installed separately in thebranch pipe of high velocity relief valve.
在通常情况下,驱气盖打开时,其透出气体一般不会是可燃气 体,由于工作压力较低(不大于2.0kPa时),其出口流速不超过20m/So船舶航行和装卸作业时,驱气盖只能是关闭状态。
Generally, the gas exhausted from gas freeing cover isincombustible. The gas freeing cover shall be closed when the shipnavigating or loading for the working pressure is too low (lessthan 2.0 kPa) and the flow rate is less than 20m/s.
该驱气盖作为管端暴燃阻火器,已依据MSC/ciK.677中的有关 要求,进行了全部试验。
As a fire arrester to prevent the pipe end from deflagrating,the gas freeing cover has been tested according to the regulationsof MSC/circ. 667.
驱气盖安装在真空阀上,由螺钉连接真空阀体。驱气盖由防火 网、壳体和上盖组成(见图五)5.2 Main structure ofgas freeing covhe gas freeing cover is installed in the vacuumvalve by blt, it is
图五 Figure 5
composed of flame screen, shell and upper cover. (See Figure5).
驱气盖使用时,只要松开吊环螺母甲,拆下乙,即可旋转上盖至 开启位置,后锁紧甲,使用完后必须恢复原状。
驱气盖的吊环螺母、上盖及防火网使用优质不锈钢材料制造, 使用中应经常保持清洁,应定期进行常规清洗。
当真空阀内应进行清理时,只要拆开其与真空阀的连接螺钉, 即可移动驱气盖,进行真空阀内清理。
5.3 Usage and maintenance of gas freeing cover
Ventilate the tank: loose the A-ring screw, remove theB-ring
screw,rotate top cover to open position, then lock the A-ringscrew,must be restored after use;
The ring screw, cover and flame screen is made of high qualitystainless steel, keep its cleanness during operation, and clean itregularly.
Clean the interior of vacuum valve: disassemble the connectionbolt and move the gas freeing cover, then do the cleaning.
VI. High velocity relief valve with heating device
依据ISO15364的要求,船舶在装载某些可能因蒸气冷凝而产 生的结晶货物时,需配备加热装置。
本加热装置结构简单,加热直接、迅速,可用于1.2MPa以下的 热蒸气和热液体进行循环加热。
According to the requirements of ISO 15364, heating device shallbe installed when loading the cargos which will be crystallized bysteam condensation.
The structure of this heating device is very simple, which canheat directly and quickly. It also can cycle heat for hot steam andhot liquid under 1.2Mpa.
Please to see figure 6 for Structure of Heating Device
每只供货状态的加热装置如图六所示,只要将V阀气液出口和 P阀气液进口相联,即可将P、V阀加热装置串联在一起。
6.1.1如只要进行每台阀门的独立加热,直接将气液接入V阀 进口,P阀气液出口接回路即可。
6.1.2如果需要将所有阀门加热串联在一起使用,直接将每只 阀门的P阀气液出口和V阀气液进口串联在一起即可,如图六所示。
6.1Usage of Heating Device
The heating device is as figure 6, heating devices of P-valveand V-valve can be series connected by connecting air-liquidoutlets of P- valve and V-valve.
6.1.1 Input the air-liquid to V-valve and connectair-liquid outlet of P-valve with circuit for heating valveindependently;
6.1.2Connect air-liquid outlets of P-valve and V-valve inserious for heating all valves in series, lb see picture 6 .
6.2加热装置的维护保养加热囊采用优质不锈钢制造,应防止有较强腐蚀 性的溶液进入,如硝酸和氢氟酸等。heating bag ismade by high quality stainless steel to prevent strong corrosivesolution from it, such as Ni
trie acid and hydrofluoric acid, etc.
加热装置在使用过程中,只要不发生跑、冒、漏现象,即无需进 行任何维护保养。如发现渗漏,必须停止使用,并送制造厂进行修理。
Maintenance is unnecessary, if there is no running, emitting andleakage happened during using of heating device. Heating devicecannot be used and shall be maintained by manufacturer if theleakage happened.
VQ. Wearing Parts and Replacement of the Wearing Parts
阀门内仅有的易损件为。型密封圈(规格为①10.6x2.65),材料为氟橡胶,每台一件,用于件(11)顶升手柄的轴上。更换时,只要拆 下件(11)手柄上的肖子和轴盖上的连接螺钉,即可取下手柄和轴盖。此时只要向外拔出顶升轴,即可更换密封圈(见图七)。
The only wearing parts of valve is O-type seal ring (size:① 10.6*2.65), which made by fluorine rubber. Only one O-typeseal ring on axle of parts (11) lifting handle for each valve. Whenreplacement, dissemble the bolt of the parts (11) handle andconnecting bolt on axle cover, then dissemble handle and axlecover. Lifting axle only need to pull to replace the seal ring (tosee
W.Other Items
8.1每只阀门均以完整的包装提供给用户。用户开箱时,必须 按装箱单查收所有随机文件资料和配件。
8.2DF-ISO型压力真空阀结构简单,其制造精度具有较好的定 位,在船东进行拆装清洗中,是不会改变其性能的。在使用过程中,除了因附着物影响阀门开启和关闭外,不会发生其它故障。如有, 在包用期内则由制造商换新。换新后的包用期自更换之日起开始。
8.1 Every valve is well packaged. Please check thedocuments attached to the box and fittings.
8.2 The structure ofDF-ISO pressureA^acuumvalve is simple.The characteristics will not be changed while it is dissembled andcleaned because of the good position technique of manufacturingprecision. The accident will not happen except something cling tothe valve during the operating process. Manufacturer will re-new itif it is in trouble within the guarantee period. The guaranteeperiod of the new one is starting from the day re-newed.
成立日期 | 2020年03月11日 | ||
法定代表人 | 谢韶辉 | ||
主营产品 | 主要产品有各种规格的船用蝶阀、闸阀、截止阀、球阀、针型阀、调节阀、节流阀、柱塞阀、止回阀、安全阀、减压阀、自闭阀、快关阀、截止止回阀、皮龙阀、旋塞阀、泥箱、通海阀、海水滤器、油滤器、防浪阀、空气帽、测深自闭阀、水利控制阀、船用阀门、高温高压等电站阀门,公司已通过了船舶检验局ZC形式认可,并已取得中国“CCS”、德国“GL”、英国“LR”、挪威“DNV”、法国“BV”、意大利“RINA”、美国“ABS”、日本“NK”和韩国“KR”等国船级社工厂认可。 | ||
经营范围 | 加工、销售:水暖、配件。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 南安市东圳水暖加工厂本公司是一家集生产和销售为一体的船用阀门厂家,主营船用压载水、脱硫塔、尾气排放、LNG、NG等系统配套阀门及管路附件,可满足国标(GB)、部标(CB)、外贸标准(CBM)、国际标准(ISO)、日标(JIS)、美标(ANSI)、德标(DIN)等标准,主导产品有船用闸阀、船用截止阀、船用快关阀、船用空气管头、船用蝶阀、船用通海阀、LNG、NG低温阀门、船用自闭阀、船用疏水阀、船用安 ... |
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